What is Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitative Treatment (RNO)?

Through our social networks we are receiving a lot of feedback about the different options we can offer to parents who detect that their children are oral breathers. Although currently this is still a developing avenue in the field of orthodontics, in our dental clinic in Murcia we offer a treatment [...]

For nutrition that promotes dental health

Today is National Nutrition Day, and from Vélez y Lozano we want, once again, to remind you of its importance when it comes to maintaining proper oral health. A healthy mouth is synonymous with a good diet (among other good habits) and vice versa. For this reason, we would like to offer you a series of tips in this regard, from [...]

Receding gums: causes and solutions

Receding gums are a relatively common problem in dental clinics, especially in patients of a certain age. These patients come because they notice a weakening of the soft tissue that makes up the gums and how this has been shrinking, exposing more of the tooth. This, in addition to aesthetic problems, often leads to [...]

What is bruxism and how can I solve it?

Bruxism is a disorder consisting of clenching or even grinding the teeth against each other (the lower arch against the upper arch) unconsciously. It is a problem that is affecting more and more people, which is explained by the fact that it is closely related to stress. It can sometimes become a chronic disorder [...]

Is there a link between oral health and respiratory diseases?

If you are reading this article, it is likely that you suffer from some kind of respiratory disease, whether chronic or transitory, and you have been told that it can affect your oral health. Perhaps, as is the case of several patients at the clinic, you have been suffering from one of these diseases for years, but it has never occurred to you [...]

Why don't I always see the same dentist at Vélez y Lozano?

Sometimes many of the patients of our dental clinic in Murcia ask us why they are not seen by one or another dentist. It is normal, he has treated them before, he was the first one to see them or, sometimes, they know him personally. However, this is not the way of proceeding at Vélez y Lozano, where [...]