We publish the second edition of 'Implantology for Patients'.

Barely a year and a half later, 'Implantology for patients', the book written by our partner and medical director Fernando García Vélez together with dental hygienist Juan José Martínez Vázquez, sees its second edition launched. This is a particularly relevant milestone, because the books are delivered to patients in the implantology area in their first edition.
Why do we have to wait a while to place the final crown after placing an immediate implant?

In today's blog entry I would like to address a topic that is very recurrent in our office and to which I have to respond frequently in my clinical practice, as there are many patients who, after an extraction with immediate implant, expect to recover their full aesthetics and functionality as soon as they leave the surgery.
Our medical director and implantologist, Fernando García Vélez, attends a training course given by Dr. Sascha Jovanovic.

Our medical director and expert in the practice of dental implants in Murcia, Fernando García Vélez, has continued his training in Advanced Surgery thanks to Santa Mónica Formación with a modular course taught by the prestigious Dr. Sascha Jovanovic, a worldwide reference in the field of bone regeneration. Dr. Jovanovic [...]
Our medical director, Fernando García Vélez, attends advanced surgical training with Dr. Fouad Khoury.

Our medical director and main visible head of the Surgery and Implants area, Fernando García Vélez, attended last week an advanced training on surgery given in Alicante by Dr. Fouad Khoury, considered one of the fathers of vertical bone regeneration. Dr. Khoury was born and graduated in Medicine in Iran, [...]
Implants and MRI scans: a common question

The other day I was in the office answering a patient's last-minute questions before an operation to place a single-tooth implant, something that for me is purely routine. However, when answering some of these curious questions, which not everyone asks, it occurred to me that there might be a place for [...]
Incorrectly fitted crown, can it happen?

Let's start at the beginning. What is a dental crown? Although as an implantologist I often talk about and handle implant crowns, in reality a dental crown is a type of indirect restoration that is made to restore both function and aesthetics to a tooth, and are made when the integrity of the original tooth is damaged or lost.