Celebrating European Patients' Rights Day

Today, 18 April, is celebrated at European level as Patients' Rights Day. The aim of commemorating this day is to promote the participation of European citizens to achieve improvements in everything related to their overall health through debate and information. As a dental clinic, we consider that in Vélez [...]

The importance of oral health in overall health

Today April 7 is World Health Day, and from the Vélez y Lozano dental clinic we do not want to miss the opportunity to remember the importance of oral health with respect to our health in general, a topic that we have already addressed on several occasions in our blog. Without [...]

Vélez & Lozano joins the claims for World Autism Awareness Day

One more year, today 2nd April is celebrated the World Autism Awareness Day, and as a dental clinic committed with its environment and society, we would like to join and share several of its demands, among which we highlight as important the need for more visibility and education of the general population about Autism, as well as the need to [...]

Vélez & Lozano joins the demands of Earth Hour

Today, Saturday 25 March, the 'Earth Hour' initiative is being celebrated worldwide, which aims to raise awareness of the need to take urgent measures against climate change and in favour of the environment. For years now, thousands of homes and businesses have been symbolically switching off all sources of electricity and [...]

Happy World Oral Health Day

From the dental clinic Vélez & Lozano we join the ephemeris coined by the International Dental Federation for today, March 20th, as World Oral Health Day. In this sense, as well as vindicating the work that, day by day, we carry out in our own clinic with our work, we would like to break a [...]

New tablets available for the waiting room

One of our values as a company and as a team is to continue to take steps to align ourselves with our responsibility to the world around us, as our patients know all too well. This translates into our strong commitment to environmental values, as anyone can attest to on a visit to [...]