How does the sterilisation area work at Vélez & Lozano?

Known by our team colloquially as 'the area', it is one of the most important areas of any dental clinic, as the process of sterilisation of material is critical and fundamental in any medical environment. We are talking about the sterilisation area and today we want to tell you briefly and simply how it works. The first [...]

This Christmas we give you the gift of 'Paediatric Dentistry for Parents'.

Once again this year, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas from the entire team at the Vélez & Lozano clinic. As is tradition, we wanted to have something special for you, apart from raffles, donations and other initiatives, something as close as possible to a proper Christmas present, like the ones you would give to [...]

Vélez & Lozano is decked out for Christmas

As you may have guessed from the photo, we have already decorated our clinic! Christmas is one of our favourite times of the year, as those of you who have been our patients for several years now know. And this year we bring more surprises, initiatives and gifts than ever. These are some of them, although many of them we have already [...]

Vanesa and Jacobo present 'Paediatric Dentistry for Parents'.

Our paediatric dentistry colleagues, Vanesa Rico and Pedro Jacobo Martínez, have written a book entitled 'Odontopediatría para padres' (Paediatric dentistry for parents). At Vélez & Lozano we have given them all the support possible in various ways, and we are going to publish the book under our brand, although with their authorship, something that fills us with pride, because we have [...]

The toy donation campaign returns to Vélez and Lozano for Christmas.

Once again this year we are launching our toy donation campaign. From today until 22 December, you can bring your toys and we will take care of delivering them to Caritas through the local parish. This is a way of celebrating the festive season and also remembering those most in need, as we [...]

Fernando updates his training in Advanced Surgery

At Vélez & Lozano we have always believed that being at the forefront is necessary to offer a top quality dental service, something that is achieved in two ways according to our vision and company philosophy: by investing in the latest technology available on the market, on the material side, and by keeping constantly updated on the material side, and by keeping up to date with the latest [...]