
A girl brushes her teeth in front of the mirror, looking at the camera.

My child brushes himself

The vast majority of the parents we see in the consultation room claim that their children "already brush themselves", and almost every time we ask them the question, "Can they brush themselves?

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In-clinic or at-home whitening?

Now that we are going to reactivate our beloved whitening campaign (which this year will run from 15 May to 15 July), we will be able to see how we can help you to get the most out of the whitening campaign.

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What is a frenectomy?

As a result of the case we published yesterday on the clinic's social networks, several parents around me, patients or not, asked me some questions about the case.

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Six tips for oral cancer prevention

Tomorrow, Saturday 4 February, is World Cancer Day, promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

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A baby tooth showing the root

Do baby teeth have roots?

This is a question that many parents ask me in the cabinet while pointing to a panoramic X-ray of their children, as it is something that I have been asked by many parents.

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Oral rehabilitation

Oral rehabilitation, although it sounds more like something a traumatologist or physiotherapist would do, is actually a dental treatment or, well, a dental treatment,

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Is there a cure for periodontitis?

As healthcare professionals, from time to time we have to give some unpleasant feedback to our patients, and as a periodontitis dentist in the dental clinic, we are not only the only ones who have to give some unpleasant feedback to our patients, but also to our patients.

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Is lingual orthodontics for me?

Whether you've decided to start the year with orthodontics and are considering the lingual option or you're just curious and want to start the year with a lingual brace, you've come to the right place.

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Why do my gums bleed?

You may be familiar with the following scene... you're at the sink, brushing your teeth, and when you spit out you notice that you've bled. If this has happened to you or

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Dental X-rays

Fortunately, the use of X-rays in dental clinics is becoming more and more widespread. This technique, which has been helping for decades

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Caries in babies

Can babies get cavities? Although many patients who come to the clinic, and parents in general, are often surprised by this, no

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Although it sounds like an action movie, this heroic name refers to the teeth that form in addition to the 20 primary and primary teeth.

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Endodontics works

You have probably heard someone say that they have had a failed root canal, that in the end they have lost a tooth whose nerve was "killed",

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Dental implant procedures are currently the most effective and safest solution for rehabilitating the oral cavity when there is a lack of dental implants in the mouth.

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How is an implant inserted?

When faced with the need to have an implant, it is logical that fears and doubts about a surgical procedure arise, but, putting an implant in the mouth is not the only way to get it done.

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Types of Dental Transplants

In previous articles we have already mentioned the possibility of transplanting teeth, an innovative and very successful treatment to replace lost teeth using another tooth from your own family.

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How to treat periodontitis?

In the previous article we explained what periodontal disease is, the causes, symptoms and most frequent complications of this pathology, which is so common in our patients.

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Acid erosion of teeth?

Have you noticed that your teeth are becoming more and more worn down? Do you have sensitivity when you pick up cold things? Tooth wear can be caused by

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What is halitosis?

Have you ever noticed a bad smell and/or taste in your mouth? Has a friend or partner told you that you have bad breath? If you feel identified

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Dental holidays?

Perhaps you have never heard of the concept of dental tourism or it seems strange to relate these two words, but it is currently a phenomenon in full swing.

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What is sleep apnoea?

Do you wake up tired, can't start your day without coffee, are you unable to stay awake after a meal, do you find it hard to get to the end of the day, or do you have a hard time getting to the end of the day?

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10 sugar caches.

From Vélez y Lozano we would like to comment on this news that we have found in the magazine Men's and Health, and it seems that sugar is a very important ingredient for

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Why do we extract a tooth?

Dentistry has gone through different phases throughout the ages. In the beginning, when dentistry lacked the means to solve dental problems, it was not always possible to

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Bisphenol-A free' dental clinics in Murcia

Since the European Union decided to eliminate bisphenol-a as one of the compounds present in the teats of baby feeding bottles, the European Commission has been able to eliminate bisphenol-a as one of the compounds present in the teats of baby feeding bottles.

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What is a 'Dental Home'?

Prevention in dentistry is becoming increasingly important in today's society. There are many measures that we have incorporated into our way of life.

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Why use Invisalign in Murcia?

Orthodontics has evolved considerably in recent years, with the development of new appliances that make it possible to reduce the number of tooth extractions that are carried out, which

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Smiles 'made in Hollywood

Many patients in the Region of Murcia who want to improve their smile ask themselves "what is it that celebrities have that makes everyone think that they have a better smile?

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How is a temporary tooth fitted?

In many cases, when replacing a missing tooth, whether due to decay, periodontal (bone and gum) problems, or a fracture, the dental surgeons are often unable to replace the missing tooth.

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Celebrity smiles

 What has Tom Cruise done to improve his smile? Is it true that Justin Bieber wears Invisalign? Does Elsa Pataky have veneers? Is it possible to have an Invisalign smile?

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Why replace missing teeth?

Why replace missing teeth? Dental professionals, dentists and hygienists, know that the occlusion and the correct meshing of our teeth have an important role to play in the correct functioning of our teeth.

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Toothbrush... manual or electric?

One of the questions most frequently asked by patients to any dental professional is whether they should switch to an electric toothbrush, depending on the type of toothbrush they are using.

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Dentist in August in Murcia

"Murcia is empty during the month of August". This phrase, a few years ago a reality repeated ad nauseam, has recently been replaced by the phrase "Murcia is empty during the month of August".

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